Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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Waterfall Cube UltimateThe vertical cuts of 3x3x3 applied on a Square-1-like puzzles. This is the less bandaged variant.
Waterfall SupremeThe third Waterfall puzzle.
Waterfall cubeDesigned to be a true hybrid between Square-1 and 3x3x3.

Wave-Stickered Truncated CubeA 3x3x3 truncated on all eight corners and stickered with special custom made stickers.
We're all mad hereA 3x3x3 in shape of an oloid painted with a theme from Alice in Wonderland
Weapon XA Dino Cube customly painted with Wolverine (aka: Weapon X) and his claws

Weasel CubeA mirror version of the Otter Cube from the same inventor.
Weave CubeA 3x3x3 sticker mod where instead of staying in one face, the colours traverse different sides while interweaving with other colours.
Webtoon Green RoomAdvertising for the korean webtoon publisher.

Weighted Companion SkewbA shape a sticker variant of the skewb resembling an item from a computer game series called Portal.
Weird 11x11x11The highest order mixup puzzle
Weird 5x5x5A fully functional 5x5x5 that also does mixup moves

Weird Block 2x3x4Two 2x2x2s with extra cubies glued on to create the illusion of a 2x3x4.
Weird CubeWith one 180° turn and one 120° turn this is probably the easiest puzzle that can be truly scrambled.
Weird Disk 235Three intersecting circles different sizes with different step length. The simplest possible puzzle of this kind.

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